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Positive Dog  Training  and 
Behaviour Consulting
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Woofers Badge showing do no harm training methods
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Woofers badge showing Woofers won silver award in Victoria Community Votes 2023
Woofers Pet Professional Guild membership badge
Pet Professional Guild badge showing Woofers as kind trusted and ethical
Woofers Progressive Reinforcement Trainer badge



So many of us have dogs in our lives!  They give us joy, companionship and unconditional love.  If we are feeling low, they can provide comfort and make us feel  better, just by being there.  Those of us who are dog lovers could not imagine life without a waggy tail to greet us when we wake in the morning, or when we come home. 

Sometimes though, dog owners need help with their dogs either because there's a behaviour issue that has cropped up that they aren't sure how to deal with, or they just need their puppy or older dog to behave a little better and have some manners. 

I offer behaviour consults on a one to one basis if you have a dog with behaviour issues.  My sole focus is on you and we can meet at a time and on a day that suits your  busy schedule.

I offer group classes with a maximum of 6 students, at a venue in Brentwood Bay. OR  if it's easier for you, we can arrange those classes privately at a time and a day that suits you.  I am happy to offer classes online for students who are not close enough to attend classes in person.

Where you and your dog will always be treated with kindness and respect

Behaviour Consulting

Do you have a reactive dog?  Could your walks together be best described as you wrestling with your dog on the leash while he lunges and barks at other dogs or people/objects he sees? Do moving objects send him in to a barking lunging frenzy? Have you started to dread walks with your dog?

Example of leash reactive dog on Woofers home page

Maybe your dog is convinced he was a sled dog in a past life and feels obliged to drag you down the street because well, walking nicely on leash is something you haven't gotten around to teaching him or you don't have a clue how?

Woofers example of leash walking chaos

Perhaps you no longer let your dog off leash because you can’t get him to come back to you.  Is one of his favourite games "Keep Away"? 


Do you keep him on leash now because you got tired of screaming at the top of your voice "FLUFFY COME HERE OR ELSE!!!!" for half an hour or more, before Fluffy got bored and came back?

​Could your state of mind be described as

"At. The. End. Of. Your. Tether"?

Frustrated woman on Woofers home page

If you can identify with any of the above, then Woofers wants to help YOU!

Before I became a trainer, I had been through all of the above myself.  At times, feeling that "having a dog isn't supposed to be like this" and feeling only dread at the thought of a walk with our dog.  I remember looks from other people and the times when they felt the need to make a "helpful comment ".  I remember how stressful it all was.


Because I've been there, done that, I can empathise with your struggles and the stress it causes! My goal is to help you with those behaviour issues and hopefully help to alleviate the stress it's causing you and your dog. 

Woofers Leonberger Max at one year old
Training Classes
Juno Woofers Leonberger puppy wearing tin hat at 3 months

PUPPY 101!

I can offer you a one off session with me privately that I call Puppy 101!  

Getting a puppy? You're excited!


Been a long time since you had a puppy so

maybe you're a teensy bit anxious?


If this is your first time with a puppy, you need to be prepared. That includes what to have available for your puppy when he gets home, how to manage kids and puppy, how to get housetraining started and all the other stuff you don't know you need to think about! 


Maybe you've had a puppy before but it was a long time ago and you just want to be reminded about all the stuff you are going to need to acquire, or do before and just after you get your puppy. 


This private session with me will last up to 75 minutes and can answer all those questions that you need to ask so you can feel prepared once puppy arrives!


Canine Essentials is a class which will teach you how to train your puppy starting at 10 weeks, older dog, (a rescue maybe?)or teenage dog in basic behaviour cues to help become a well behaved member of the family.  

In a group class:

In group classes at a venue in Brentwood Bay and Sidney with a maximum of 6 dogs per class.


The same curriculum, but with you as my only focus, at a time and place convenient to  you.

Please go to my training page where I post details of the upcoming group classes


Woofers Leonberger Arik stacking at 4 months
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250 896 5029

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Privacy Policy:

If  you use the contact form on our website, you will be required to supply your name, phone number and email address.  If you decide to hire Woofers we will also require your home address. We guarantee that this information will be used solely for the purposes of communicating with  you as a client and will never be divulged to, or sold to any third party.

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